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  • Top 5 Anime of 2020 Which you Missed Out! | Adilsons
    February 26, 2021 Yash Kumar

    Top 5 Anime of 2020 Which you Missed Out!

    Ah yes... 2020; the year that made our lives a literal "hide the pain Harold" meme. With threats of World War 3, massive forest fires and alien sightings confirmed by the Pentagon, all we needed was a global pandemic to really set the tone for something seemingly right out of the Joker's imagination. 

    2020 was the year of the weeps and the weebs, that's for sure. We hope you picked the winning side, but in case you didn't, we've compiled a list of the 5 best anime released in 2020 which you missed!

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  • This Week in Anime [Week 7, 2021] | Adilsons
    February 20, 2021 Yash Kumar

    This Week in Anime [Week 7, 2021]

    It's week 7 of 2021 and the anime community is in full bustle! As always, we've gone digging around and scoured every source of interest to deliver to you the best of the best of what's making rounds out there! So, without further ado, let's get right to the juicy stuff! 

    Here's what stood out in Week 7 of 2021!
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  • Top 5 Anime with the Most Wasted Potential | Adilsons
    February 20, 2021 Yash Kumar

    Top 5 Anime with the Most Wasted Potential

    Every once in a while, an anime comes along that takes the world by storm. Excellent writing (aka source manga), steady pacing and an interesting lore are the most important ingredients needed to make this happen, and it's rare to find an entry that satisfies all 3 points on the checklist for success. Attack on Titan and Demon Slayer are the most recent examples to come to mind. However, even more painful than realising the scarcity with which such masterpieces appear, is when a fanbase feels completely betrayed by the direction the anime suddenly decides to follow.
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  • This Week in Anime [Week 6, 2021] | Adilsons
    February 15, 2021 Yash Kumar

    This Week in Anime [Week 6, 2021]

    Date Published: Sun, 14th Feb, 2021 Ohayou gozaimasu minna! We're pleased to have you back for another segment of This Week in Anime, where we grab all the hot topics in the anime world and present them to you in...

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  • Top 5 Most Controversial Anime of all Time! | Adilsons
    February 14, 2021 Yash Kumar

    Top 5 Most Controversial Anime of all Time!

    Google defines anime as "a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children", but even though anime follow a similar system of age & maturity rating as their western counterparts (when being dubbed),...

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  • This Week in Anime [Week 5, 2021] | Adilsons
    February 8, 2021 Yash Kumar

    This Week in Anime [Week 5, 2021]

    Welcome back to another week's segment of Anime news. February has just begun but the anime frontier has been full of big events! Lots of cheers and tears this time around, that's for sure. 

    Here's your scoop from the first week of February!
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  • Top 5 Anime That Prove Anime Isn't For Kids! | Adilsons
    February 6, 2021 Yash Kumar

    Top 5 Anime That Prove Anime Isn't For Kids!

    Right there next to "anime and cartoons are the same thing" lies another statement that will instantly turn any otaku into a serial killer- "anime is for kids". Although it may be difficult for many who have grown up watching Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! (the dubbed, at least) to picture anime as a source of anything except giggles and laughter, the fact remains that there are anime out there (and we refer strictly to anime here; no lewd business!) which would scar the children of this world so thoroughly and irredeemably that they have been locked away under the highest security known to mankind- a single Google search.

    We've scoured the darkest recesses of the anime planet to bring you the top 5 anime which prove that Anime isn't for kids!

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  • This Week in Anime [Week 4] | Adilsons
    February 1, 2021 Yash Kumar

    This Week in Anime [Week 4]

    Greetings everyone! It's the last week of January and the anime universe remains as busy as ever! As always, we're here handpicking the most important developments and bringing them right to you! 

    It's time for This Week in Anime- Week 4 Edition!
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  • Top 5 (short!) Anime to start your Otaku Career! | Adilsons
    January 30, 2021 Yash Kumar

    Top 5 (short!) Anime to start your Otaku Career!

    Ohayo ladies and gentlemen, weebs and otakus! Today Adilsons is bringing you the Top 5 anime you need to watch to become a part of otaku culture! This list is for the newer audiences out there and showcases the modern classics of the anime world that most or all of the anime-watching community is aware of. If you're new to anime and confused about where to begin, this list is just the right place for you to begin your journey!
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