Hey min’na! It’s New Year’s Eve and us folks at Adilsons are in a reflective mood. It’s for this reason that we’re replacing this week’s anime news with a mega throwback and looking back at the entirety of 2021 and what it had to offer! Numerous titles made their way to the top of popularity charts worldwide and added to the ever-growing list of the most successful anime of all time! Here’s your final not-so-Rapid Rundown of 2021, giving you one final glance of the year that was 2021!!!
The dichotomy of good and evil is one as old as time itself and ubiquitous in all forms of art; the portrayal of this conflict is, in essence, what determines the quality of any story. Anime as an artform is known for its over-the-top and blatantly extravagant means of telling its story, with characters often having disproportionately exaggerated facial expressions and body parts to suit their overall personas. Sometimes, these aggrandized traits can present themselves in more ways than just through appearance: some villains (and even heroes) become infamous through their superfluous mannerisms and downright shocking deeds. These characters hover on the edge of insanity and make the infliction grief and suffering the trait of paramount importance in their personas. Today, Adilsons looks at the Top 5 Edgiest Anime Characters ever! Beware, heavy spoilers will follow so you are advised to stop reading if you see the name of a show that’s still on your watchlist!
As the days leading up to Christmas dwindle, we stand today at the precipice of Christmas Eve itself. Perhaps even more infectious than Omicron is the spirit of the holidays, which seems to have permeated every sphere of society. Developments of late in the world of anime have added a completely new dimension of excitement in the lives of otakus all over the world. Tis truly the season to be jolly once you see what’s brewing in this week’s Rapid Rundown:
Ohayou gozaimas, minna! This week's news review is steaming hot fresh off the platter, because all our headlines for today's edition were taken from just the last 3 days! November's second week can only be defined as a crescendo of developments, culminating in the release of three monumental productions: a live action series, an anime & a movie! With all three modalities of big screen entertainment finding their way into the headlines, we're particularly eager to reveal this week's Rapid Rundown:
Tuesday the 2nd of November marked the most monumental day in the course of the YuGiOh TCG this year: the Konami-sponsored early sneak opening event for Maximum Gold: El Dorado! The month of October was bloated with the back-to-back release of several highly anticipated products, namely the Structure Deck Cyber Strike, Legendary Duelists Synchro Storm and the 2021 Mega Tins! With the competitive flop of Crossout Designator and the lack of reprints for cards such as Forbidden Droplet & Accesscode Talker, the mediocre performance exhibited by the Mega Tins quickly took the backseat once the set list for El Dorado became public knowledge!
We hope you didn't put all your eggs in one basket for 2021 because you're about to rack up some major duelist debt once you see the treasures sealed within El Dorado!!
We've entered the month of November, but the aftermath of October continues to shape our headlines. As fans of Jujitsu Kaisen reach day 50 in their countdown for the highly anticipated movie, events which were set into motion weeks ago still exert their influence in the animeverse today. Ranking of Kings has managed to climb its way into the top cut of popularity polls and World's Finest Assassin is also garnering itself a notable fanbase. It is against this setting that budding new anime have to compete for a slot in the headlines, bringing us straight to November's first Rapid Rundown:
Halloween was the talk of the week and the days leading up to it were full of spooky surprises and grim grins as the fright hype made its way around the neighborhoods. Too old to trick and treat and too far from the city to spend the night with friends, my agenda for Halloween night was to sit in bed with a coffee, my house locked up tight and the lights all turned off. Impromptu as it may seem, I'm not the slightest bit ashamed to divulge the details of how I spent Halloween 2021.
As the curtains fall on October, notable developments in the world of anime are few and far between. Nevertheless, this week has played host to a very interesting lineup of headlines which seem to meet our expectations, but with a unique twist. A movie, an anime and an eye-opening performance make their way into this week's Rapid Rundown; have a look for yourself:
Diversity is back this week as we bring to your morning coffee exciting updates on everything anime! This Week in Japan returns after a month-long hiatus as mind-blowing details emerge on one of the most unique anime merch to ever hit stores! The cherry on top takes the form of new anime releases- a movie, a new series and a brand new season to one of the most popular anime define our headlines for the third week of October! Buckle up for a Rapid Rundown like nothing you've ever seen before: