Big news made its way around dueling communities this week as major spoilers regarding the upcoming Burst of Destiny core set hit several social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Although Konami has been in the habit of partnering with select Yugitubers as a means of revealing their products early, this system was thrown into shambles as several unauthorized leaks found their way into widespread circulation and stole Konami's thunder. Join us as we reflect on the chaotic sequelae of events that marked the past week as one of the most controversial in YuGiOh history!Read now
This Week in Anime [Week 41, 2021]
It's almost the middle of October and the things seem to have come to a relative standstill in the animeverse. Aside from developments in titles which have already been released, new releases and announcements are nowhere to be found. Some pivotal milestones, however, set the theme for this week's anime news. Join us as we enter the Rapid Rundown to find out what we mean by these landmarks!Read now
1. Demon Slayer Season 2 Is Here!
2. Attack on Titan Season 2 Trailer Out!
3. Guilty Crown Celebrates 10th Anniversary! -
Yugioh Oct to Dec Product Extravaganza!
It's approaching the middle of October and Konami's product lineup for the last quarter of 2021 just so happens to be one of the most jam-packed we've seen in the past millennia! A variety of products catering to vastly different needs of the dueling community are being released in rapid succession and it is only natural to find yourself in bewilderment at the sheer volume of the card influx that awaits us. Adilsons is here this week to break down Konami's agenda into bite-sized pieces that'll help you prioritize your purchases and plan your budget in anticipation of which products best suit your dueling need! That said, we'll be taking a chronological approach by release date to all these products so it'll be more convenient for you to plan your purchases accordingly!Read now -
This Week in Anime [Week 40, 2021]
Read nowOctober has been off to quite an interesting start by several measures. For one, not a single day went by without some form of announcement or event that caught everyone's attention; to add to that, the type of news that made headlines was unlike anything we've ever seen before. This week, we explore headlines that'll send shivers down your spine and get you hyped up in ways you didn't know were possible. Early October's roster is off to a varied start and here's what we've got simmering over in the Rapid Rundown this week:
1. Naruto Changes Forever: Tragedy Strikes!2. From Book to Anime: Poupelle of Chimmey Town!
3. Requiem of the Rose King: Goth in Style!
Top 3 Overlooked YuGiOh Engines in 2021!
The Yu-Gi-Oh TCG is entering of one of its busiest and most hype-filled stages in years. Due in part to factors like shifts in release dates and a poorly planned roster of products, the market has entered one of the most volatile points we've ever seen. Amidst the chaos and hype for new strategies to come, the decks of old are offered the backseat and quickly become lost in the sands of ancient metas, only to be reflected upon as milestones in the game's history: or so we're made to believe! Falling demand for these tried and tested strategies not only makes them cheaper to build but adds an element of surprise to your deck as deck-building strategies become geared towards newer cards. We've assembled a list of three engines which have been blatantly overlooked in anticipation of the upcoming meta.Read now -
This Week in Anime [Week 39, 2021]
We've entered the month of October folks, and with it come several developments of note across the last week of September that we're recapitualting so you can have an idea of what to expect later down this month! As September took its last breath, it lay down the foundations for several events and releases of note, the momentum from which will carry over into this month and set the tone for even more developments down the line; diversity is our theme this week as we enter October's first Rapid Rundown:Read now
1. Yugioh TCG Changes Forever: Mega Tins Unleashed!!!
2. Summer Ghost Movie Gets Trailer!
3. No Game No Life Returns?! -
Anime Tragedies: Legacies Unfinished
Read nowAnime is so much more than simply cartoons produced in Japan; it is an entirely different universe of animation, world-building and character interactions which often surpasses its casual western counterparts by leaps and bounds. Each anime tells its own journey and develops its characters in ways which traditional cartoons never could- elements of maturity, character development and a sense of continuity across episodes make it easily distinguishable from the more loose storytelling style of western works. Unfortunately, differences in art and world-building aren't the only things that set anime apart from cartoons.
Our highlight this week is on two such Anime Tragedies with Legacies forever unfinished. -
This Week in Anime [Week 38, 2021]
It's the penultimate week of September and the year of 2021 is about to enter its last quarter. Fall is upon us and winter is just around the corner from October; all in all, the end of what's been yet another year dominated by the Corona-crisis is nigh. The world of anime has followed the same trend this week, with several long-standing names in the industry reaching the end of their stories and preparing for what have- and will be- tearful departures from the fans that have come to admire them so dearly. We enter this week's Rapid Rundown on a Solemn note, as we summarize what's come to be one of the most emotionally-taxing weeks in the animeverse all year long:Read now
1. End of a Journey: Girlfriend, Girlfriend!
2. Curtains Close: Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory
3. New Beginning- Takt Destiny -
Celebrating Yugioh's 25th Anniversary with Kaiba!
The 25th anniversary of the YuGiOh manga is upon us and the franchise is allowing fans to celebrate in style with the release of a limited-time product that had heads turning all week! Offering us a unique opportunity to take a step in Kaiba's shoes, Konami has gone public with one of the biggest announcements of the year: the release of the YuGiOh Ultimate Kaiba Set! Going back to the roots of the franchise in a way that's never been done before, this product is like nothing we've ever seen before!Read now