Hey there lads and lasses! We're taking a break from the weekly Top 5s this time to produce a special article to celebrate one of the biggest developments the world of Yu-Gi-Oh has known in over ten millennia: the release of two earth-shattering, sky-ripping, dimension-warping and plot-twisting (not to mention game-changing) structure decks dedicated to two of the all-powerful Egyptian Gods! Unneccessary hyperboles aside, this truly is a monumental milestone in the history of the game!Read now
Top 5 Best Yu-Gi-Oh Engines!
Read nowAn engine in Yu-Gi-Oh is defined as a compact collection of cards too few to constitute a full deck, but which find residence in multiple independent strategies as a means to either add or enforce a win condition of the deck they supplement. I totally just made up that definition to make it sound super cool & serious, but in simple terms, an engine is just a splashable group of themed cards which help the player boost their deck. That's practically it. This can involve either boosts in consistency, power, field presence or practically any other variable in the game. Although a lot of things come into play to determine just how strong an engine is, by far the most important factor is how splashable (i.e. capable of use in widely differing decks) that particular engine is.
In this Top 5 segment, we'll be walking you through the Top 5 Engines in Yu-Gi-Oh, based totally on their splashability!
Top 5 Most Controversial Anime of all Time!
Read nowGoogle defines anime as "a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children", but even though anime follow a similar system of age & maturity rating as their western counterparts (when being dubbed),...
This Week in Anime #2 [Week 3, 2021]
Ohayou gozaimasu fellow anime freaks! Adilsons brings to you our second weekly issue of Anime News to get you up to speed with all the major happenings in the anime communities worldwide!Read now
Let's dive right into it! -
Yugioh 2020 Banlist
Read nowYugioh 2020 Banlist
Forbidden & Limited Card List
Effective from 14/09/2020
• Cards that are “Forbidden” cannot be used in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, or Side Deck.
• You can only have 1 copy maximum of a “Limited” card in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined.
• You can only have 2 copies maximum of a “Semi-Limited” card in your Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck combined.The next update after this will be no earlier than December 15th, 2020.
Upcoming Product Highlight - Mechanized Madness
In April 17, 2020, Mechanized Madness is set to land on every Local Game Store in the TCG hemisphere. This is the 48th structure deck in Yugioh and it follows right after “Shaddoll Showdown”. The main content of this structure are new support cards for the Machina archetype.Read now -
Upcoming Product Highlight - Eternity Code
The last booster set from Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains is set to arrive in TCG in June 2020. This was supposed to be in May 2020 but delay was expected due to a pandemic crisis. Anyway, even with the delay of the product, this set gets everyone excited. Let’s take a look at what is installed for us in this set:Read now -
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba
As you may have already noticed, we are posting different articles; all the articles are related to manga and anime but, in some cases, we talk about trending anime and in others we talk about anime that are up to four decades old!Read now -
The One-Card Combo of Orcust - Mekk-Knight Orcust Girsu
In the upcoming TCG booster set “Eternity Code”, one of the menacing archetype “Orcust” will get their much awaited support card that will enable them to compete against other decks without having to resort on combining themselves with other archetype, namely “Mekk-Knight Orcust Girsu”.Read now