Adilsons Newsletter: Edition X! (v.8)
Date Published: 25th Mar, 2021
Bonjour Mauritian otakus! Adilsons has a very special Newsletter segment for you to end March on a high note! There have been numerous developments of note which we want to bring to your attention and lots of exciting news to deliver! Right then, let's get right into it.
1. Anime Merch Release Set!
With plans for national deconfinement gradually becoming established, Adilsons has decided to kick off our Merch Sales from the 1st of April! However, this will only go on until the 3rd of April due to safety regulations; your safety is paramount to us! During these 3 days, our shop shall remain operational from 9.30am to 5pm, so come on and pay us a visit if- and only if- it is safe for you to do so!
2. Missing Arrivals!
Adilsons regrets to inform you that upon closer inspection of our recieved merchandise, we noticed a few items (shoes and some hoodies) were missing and/or understocked. While this will be rectified with certainty when shipping conditions and regulations improve, we have no choice but to operate with what we have right now. Rest assured, we still have a substantial inventory complete with various anime accessories, figurines and a myriad of other such products!
To avoid any confusion about what is and isn't in stock, we encourage you to either contact us with any queries or to visit our shop in person. Note that we will only be able to resupply the undelivered products after a tentative period of 2-3 months.
3. Contest Details!
•We are pleased to announce the resounding success of our Drawing competition so far; 57 applicants have already submitted their entries and many more continue to add to this list. A reminder for all is that you have until 9pm on March the 28th to submit your entries!
•The Video Edit contest, however, seems to be off to a rather weak start which we believe is due to the strenuous nature of producing such content. To facilitate this, we're going to restart it from the 1st if April but please note that submissions will still he accepted before this new date. In so doing, we shall post it on our story earlier than other entires, giving you a possible advantage over the other entries!
Just a reminder that you can submit your entires here!
4. Giveaways!
Adilsons continues in its relentless endeavour to continue our giveaways. Just note that after the arrival event, we will return back to our old weekly methods, with a new theme for each week! For further details on this, check out our social media posts, or, if you're subscribed to our mails- check your mail inbox! We've sent a mail detailing all the events to everyone.
5. Duel Links Tournament!
We have yet another Tournament in the works for you guys! Join yet another iteration of these wildly popular events this Saturday and show us the full extent of your dueling prowess! For further details, check out our Discord server and you'll get what you want- and much more! This tourney might be live-streamed on Facebook provided everything works out! 🤞
And that's all we have for you this week, minna! As you've noticed, Adilsons is proceeding full speed ahead despite the quarantine trying to rain on everyone's parade. Stay tuned for even more exciting events and updates; we'll catch you next week with more delicious developments! 😋
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