Adilsons Newsletter: Edition X! (v.10)
Date Published: Thurs, 15th Apr, 2021
Good morning Mauritius! We're pleased to welcome you to the 10th issue of Adilson's weekly Newsletter! Following suit with last week's jam-packed issue, we have another fully loaded article ready for you to read as you munch on your morning toast. In stark contrast to last week's segment however, we'll start off with a good news in pointing out that the rise in local cases has been greatly curtailed, signifying the improving health of the nation! Keep it up minna, and keep your masks on when you go out!
Formalities aside, let's get down to business, shall we?!
1. Preorders open for 2021 Mega Tin!
The Mega Tin 2021, otherwise called the Tin of Ancient Battles will bring to life the second part of the ancient tablet depicting the clash between the Blue Eyes White Dragon and the Dark Magician. With three world-premier cards in the cardpool and the same rarity distribution as the 2020 mega tins (1 Prismatic Secret Rare, 2 Ultra Rares, 2 Super Rares and 1 Rare card, along with 12 commons per PACK) and 3 packs per tin, get ready to have quite the stack of shiny cards in your collection!
Adilsons will release a special article on these tins soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that! Till then, place your preorders for as many tins as you can lay your hands on, folks because this product is absolutely HOT! Head on over to our Discord server to place your preorders, folks!
2. Drawing Contest Winners Announced!
Our heartiest congratulations go out to everyone who found their entries in the winning list of submissions for our recently held Drawing Contest! In case you weren't there to catch the announcement live, here's the link to the announcment stream from Satuday on Instagram!
To all those who took part but didn't catch their entries in the winning list, do not worry! We're grateful for your contribution and efforts and wish you the best of luck for next time! (Yes, there will be a next time!) We were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of submissions and enthusiasm shown by the community so rest assured: your efforts have been acknowledged and are greatly appreciated!
Top 10 winners of each category are also reminded at this time that more information about the next steps for submissions and prize collection will be given on the coming Saturday. Catch our stream for more details!
3. OTS Packs and Prizes Up For Grabs!
Despite the quarantine putting a damper on everyone schedule, Adilson’s is pleased to announce our plans for an upcoming Remote Duel tournament. Up for grabs will be OTS packs and other undisclosed prizes, however kindly note that this plan is still in its infancy. Any interested individuals are invited to our WhatsApp and Discord groups, where we are actively holding discussions on the matter. Please be advised that in order to be eligible for the dissemination of OTS pack prizes, Adilsons needs to meet a minimum criteria of two tournaments per month, which can only be facilitated via remote duels under the current circumstances.
A good internet connection and a phone stand are all you need to get started! For further details on remote dueling, please visit the official konami website or YouTube channel for the specific regulations.
4. Manga Library!
Our manga is still under clearance but if you are interested in a particular title, please be advised that you will need to place a preorder with us for it. A preorder link will be sent out soon in the coming updates, so don't worry!
5. Preorders!
Owing to the increasing demand for our anime bundles, Adilsons has recognised the inevitability to open pre orders for several products soon. We are already working on it and will keep you intimated via email in the days to come!
6. Ongoing Events!
We wanna remind everyone that our anime edit contest and the facebook meme tournament are both still in effect, so if the fancy takes you, head on over and submit something! We'd love to see what you come up with!
7. New Events!
While Adilsoms doesn't have immediate plans for any upcoming events, a new IG giveaway just might be around the corner. Who knows, right? 🤭 Don't miss any updates, so be sure to check us out whenever you login; you just might find something nice!
That does it for this week's segment minna! Stay tuned for our article on the upcoming megatins, and lots more weekly updates! Remember: Live Your Passion every single day with Adilsons!
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