Adilsons Newsletter: Edition X! (v.16)
Date Published: Thurs, 3rd June, 2021
Welcome back otakus- we're glad to see you all made it to June! With the confirmed extension of the school "holidays" till July the 5th, we've been busy cooking up activities for you to get yourselves busy with until it's time to return to the grind of schools and university life. Contest results and dueling events are the highlight with which we kick-start the month of June!!!
1. Facebook Meme Tournament Winner: May Edition!
Congratulations go out to Stephanie Lazile for winning last month's Facebook Meme Tournament A beautiful post that shows the pinnacle of anime art as graffiti which adds life to the entire neighborhood. Thanks for sharing it with us and kudos to the OP (Animekyuu) for posting it on Facebook! Your prize and certificate are waiting for you at our store; come pick them up whenever you like!
2. Anime Video Edit Contest Results!
They're finally here folks- the results of a competition which has been running for months! 36 submissions and hundreds of likes later, the results of your skilful editing are finally here! Everything from Naruto to Tokyo Revengers and compilations of every nature found their way in, but there could only be one to claim the top prize; our heartiest congratulations go out to Shivam Hurrydass for achieving 1st place with a whopping 335 likes! In a close second is Shavran Conhye, with 318 likes! Now that's intense, folks!!!
Regardless of your position in the contest, we'd like to congratulate everyone who took the time and effort to participate and exhibit their skills for all to see. Your participation is greatly appreciated and went a long way into making this challenge as exciting as it turned out to be. Certificates await all of you as well as prizes for those attaining top places.
At this juncture, Adilsons also wishes to inform all that future editions of the Anime Edit Competition have been permanently put on hold owing to the low degree of participation seen in this event. Any feedback on this decision is welcome and we look forward for your ideas on how to improve the experience for all.
3. Yu-Gi-Oh Events Abound!!
We're about to have two YuGiOh events in quick succession, so better get ready! Both tourneys will be held remotely, so don't worry about showing up in person dressed up in a Hazmat suit!
First up is our local celebration of YuGiOh day; to commemorate the event, we'll be having a Swiss-style competition on the 3rd and 4th of July (it's a weekend!) with the winner getting an exclusive prize in the form of a Yu-Gi-Oh Day Game Mat! All participants will get 2 OTS 15 packs, so it's always a win-win situation in the end! Participation fee for the event is 400rs, so sign up while spaces are available!
Next up is our twofold event to celebrate the release of the Egyptian God Structure Decks! First up is a lucky draw event which will be applicable for everyone who bought an Egyptian God Deck from us between June 9 to June 31. Every customer's name will be up for a lucky draw which will take place on the 1st of August. Win it and you'll get an Egyptian God playmat! A casual tourney will also be held on July the 2nd to determine the winner of the 2nd playmat.
As the second part of the Release Event, an advanced format tourney will be held remotely on July the 27th; for those who don't know what the advanced format is, we're talking about a meta tourney! Competitive duelists from all parts of Mauritius will show up so bring your A game on people!
And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is all we have for you this week! Feeling overwhelmed? Good! Our goal is to keep you on your toes! We'll return next week with more updates!
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