July 9, 2021
Vivy Fluorite Eyes Song: Worth the Watch?
NOTE: This article is free of spoilers, so read on with confidence. Some anime-exclusive information may be revealed, but this will not impact your viewing experience.
With an IMDB rating of 8.6 and a 98% positive concensus on Google, Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song is a one of a kind anime that shot its way to the top of anime review charts everywhere almost immediately following its release. Produced by Wit Studio, a company with several widely acclaimed hits to its name (Vinland Saga, Attack on Titan seasons 1-3 and Owari no Seraph being the most popular), Vivy Fluorite is the latest addition to the studio's legacy, and thus had big shoes to fill right from the getgo!
Did it, though?
A mere glance at the ratings will answer that query. Achieving astronomically distinguished scores on every popularity poll, Vivy has cemented itself as the best anime of the Summer of 2021, and perhaps by extension- of the year itself. It saw, it came, it conquered... and it left as quickly as it had arrived, but not before wrapping up its century-long story seamlessly in its compact 13 episode rn. But what is the story of Vivy Fluorite Eye's Song?
Set in a version of Earth in 2056 where Artificial Intelligence technology has advanced to the point to true autonomy, the protagonist of the show (aptly named Vivy), awakens to be given her singular mission: "make people happy with your singing." As the most advanced of all the AI systems of her era and a pioneer in the field of music, Vivy commits herself to her task with unrelenting fervor. Things get complicated with the introduction of another AI named Matsumoto, who claims to be from the future and attempts to recruit Vivy in his own mission to avert a war between humans and AIs destined to take place in exactly 100 years.
Simplistic and deceptively cliche, the story to Vivy- at least as it is first introduced- seems to be just another apocalypse story veiled under a packaging of music and waifu-bait. Prepare to be pleasantly disappointed, as these stereotypical notions set by mediocre anime are utterly blown away once the gears of Vivy really get turning. The anime is unafraid to venture into unexplored territories, and perhaps most importantly- never allows its cast to be reduced to mere fan service.
Vivy takes its story seriously and garnishes its unique plot with ample world-building and character development to convey 100 years of development in the span of 13 episodes without a single hiccup. Younger audiences and casual viewers who like to multitask while watching shows are liable to fall behind on the story for this reason however, so keep that in mind. Time and dates bear a significant impact in the understanding of the events throughout the anime, as large time-lapses between episodes are common. For this reason, Vivy demands your undivided attention if you wish to appreciate its story for what it is.
Animation is also something the anime excels in, which should be no surprise given the history of quality associated with Wit Studio. Nevertheless, it deserves mention as several key scenes in the anime demand stellar art to really shine through. The story, being centered around themes of musical performances and an almost utopia-like society, demands a degree of aesthetic appeal which is heads and shoulders above conventional anime. The 3D rendering, when employed, is on point and doesn't detract from the general appeal of the art in the slightest. The anime is bright, colorful and vivid, even during the most calamitous phases of its story. Vivy holds nothing back and will keep you mesmerized, even throughout its nunerous tragedies.
Character associations are natural, a word most ironically used in the context of the protagonist being an AI. There are times where the viewer will have to consciously remind himself that Vivy is not human, but indeed a mechanical construct piloted by intricate software; the character development of the show is miles better than most anime in general. Characters respond in manners compliant to their nature and the dialogue is meaningful, allowing an anime centered around machines to develop strong emotional connections between its characters, even if they cannot shed tears to show it.
Unfortunately, there are some parts of the story rendered cliche- something which is of no fault of the anime, but moreso a consequence of the time in which it was released. There are times when the viewer will feel disconnected from the story, if only due to the fact that they could have predicted a minor event. Another factor which deducts from the viewing experience is the time gaps between episodes of the anime. While these are by no means sudden, nor do they interrupt the plot progression in any form, they can make the viewer feel isolated from the characters. While the plot may evolve, the narrative remains focused on the timeline, and the rest of the story often takes the back seat. This can also be a source of confusion for some.
All things considered, our critique of Vivy is largely positive and we deem it worthy of the following scores:
•Plot: 4/5 (robust, well-developed, but demands attention; can be easy to lose track)
•Animation: 5/5 (stellar throughout; there is never a moment where it feels lacking)
•Characters: 4/5 (well-developed, but the ones introduced towards the end of the show seem superficial and are rather forgettable)
Overall: 13/15 (A)
Vivy is an anime which we definitely recommend anyone to watch. The story is beautiful, the action is unforgiving, the characters are realistic and the entire journey is sublime. From the animation to the music, Vivy achieves excellent scores in its reviews- and we certainly feel the 8.6 rating on IMDB is more than justified. Let us know your opinions on our Discord server after you watch it!
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